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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life That Goes On

It's already four weeks since the final final exams over. Final final? Yass. You read it right. No more going to lecture halls, no more assignments, tests, and the fear of me not gonna make it in law school because I just did! Yeay! Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for make it easy and possible for me to finish law school.

Well. Hidup ni macam mimpi, kan? 

Rasanya baru semalam pening-pening nak apply course apa lepas SPM. Tak sangka teramik law. Tak sangka dah habis BLS and LLB. Tak sangka. Semua tu berlaku bila? Macam tak rasa pun ada. 


Padahal... dah berapa baldi air mata kuhabiskan sepanjang 5 tahun di lawschool. Haha. Tak. Actually, I can't remember myself crying over anything educational pun sepanjang 5 tahun di law school. Maybe kalau ada pun, the tears of finally graduated kot. Yelah, dah habis pun segala penat lelah yang susah nak diceritakan di sini. 5 tahun kot.

Anyway, doing LLB was not really a hell-like for me. Or maybe it was a hell, but now that it's over, I feel like it's not really bad. Kalau teruk sangat takkan saya boleh lepas kan? Hihi. Tak sangka sebenarnya boleh survived both BLS and LLB. I feel kinda relieved but somehow I do miss the vibe of being busy preparing all those files, submissions, trials and presentations.


During these periods in law school, apart of learning that life goes on, I too learnt that God's plan is always beautiful. I never doubt that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, both are for our own good. Not only for us, but for the people around us, too. If there's anything I would undo or regret that it happened, I choose neither to undo nor regret anything. Believe me, I wouldn't.

I too, learnt more about myself. My attributes, my likes and dislikes. I never knew that I can be so determined in doing something like I did in law school. I like myself more when I am in my determination mood that I get so focused and nothing can actually break my spirit. I also got to learn that I have this ability of being ignorant and chooses to only see things or people I wanna see.

I always chose to see the good in people, no matter how bad other people says that person is. My friends said I am a positive person because even if I can, I choose not to see the bad in people. Because for me, everyone are nice. Does not matter if they are not nice to you, because they might be nice to someone else kan?

Anyway, I drafted this post because that's what I always do sekarang ni. Save instead of publish. Sebab tak suka tengok posting yang takde gambar. Tak sangka dulu rajin betul search gambar untuk dijadikan ilustrasi blog.

*Senyum terkenangkan diri sendiri yang lama*

Sekarang masa berlalu terlalu pantas kan. Nak cari gambar untuk dijadikan posting pun rasa macam tak ada masa padahal ada je masa cuma kita yang kena pandai peruntukan masa 24jam ni kepada sesuatu yang kita suka buat.

*hembus nafas*

On another note, I just received my result last Friday. Alhamdulillah sekarang dah officially tamat law school. Sebak ada. Happy pun ada. Tak bersedia lah nak aging. Kejap je semua ni berlalu. Kalau boleh memang nak stopkan masa takpun tambah 24jam jadi 50jam sehari ke tapi kalau mampu tukar 24jam kepada 50jam pun tetap akan rasa tak puas dengan kehidupan.

Manusia kan. Mana pernah puas dengan apa yang ada. Kalau boleh nak lebih. Tapi bila dah dapat lebih, rasa nak kurang pulak sebab tahu benda yang lebih tak semestinya membahagiakan.
